We've moved downtown to the center and into rooms at Los Balcones today near Plaza Constitucion. Yay for internet and being centrally located to all the happenings. Boo for dealing with noise again.
I'll make this update quick since I've just uploaded two long updates from the last few days:
- Edited some video this morning while chilling and have a pretty cool ~3min vid of some mototaxi action. Conversion is taking quite awhile though, hopefully I'll be able to upload it tonight.
- I spent most of the day with the guys from Mayan the force be with us and even more wandering about with Rob & Will from Valsava Victory as we had a bit of a common bond being in the middle of nowhere for the last couple days.
- Spent a long time walking and driving around to find parts with Rob & Will. Ended up with a replacement tube, a patch kit with ~20 patches, a tire iron thingie, and a pump. Good stuff. I apparently still need a couple wrenches and the mechanic recommended some replacement clutch cables.
- A cool mechanic showed us all sorts of bits on the mototaxi, including how to change the wheels, tighten the chain, adjust the air/fuel for lower altitude, when to do maintenance, etc. Good tidbit: We need to tighten up all the spokes on the wheels after 80km. Sad thing, only around 10 of us paid attention to this lecture.
- The mototaxis are STILL ARRIVING and being assembled. What… the… I will be amazed if they are ready on time. We helped strip the wrapping from one and it took 20min for two of us to just get the cardboard off. Sick.
- Had an assembly down town in the town square complete with fireworks and ceremony where the city of Huancayo formally welcomed and thanked us. Was quite awkward actually, they called each team up and it took quite awhile.
- The table I'm writing this on shakes and rattles a lot. This is uncomfortable.
Right, so… tomorrow I get a helmet, some cables, the paperwork, and some t-shirts. Then I suppose I should also start planning my route. Hrm.
Let's get this bloody thing started already!!!