I've been looking for an alternative way to stay fit and challenge myself - I tend to get quickly bored with "normal" workouts (weights, treadmills, etc.) and my bad knees limit my ability to run. My biggest pleasures are sprints and full body agility/strength feats (flips, spins, jumps, kickboxing, etc.), as well as mountain biking and hiking. Unfortunately all of those things are incredibly hard to do in the city - there's no privacy for the former, and no terrain for the latter. Last week I was googling around for a nearby gym that does MMA, capoeira, kickboxing or gymnastics style training. I stumbled across Primal Fitness, an easy 3/4 mile run from my place and saw they did parkour training. I've been a fan of parkour (google it) for around 7-8 years, ever since I first stumbled across David Belle doing some beautiful looking moves through urban terrain. So, I signed up for a six week "level 1" boot camp - Mon/Wed/Sat (fits perfectly with softba...