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Showing posts from May, 2009
Hello wild horses

Parkour Day 2: Wreckage

I found out today my technique was not so good. It started Tuesday morning - even though I felt find Monday night, I woke up Tuesday with my quads almost completely locked, totally stiff. No pain but they just refused to handle my weight properly. I could walk fine but could not bend, crouch, etc. without intense concentration. This continued through most of the day, with me deliberately working them to try to get them to loosen up. Repeat all day Wednesday. Walk to Primal for Day 2... Warmups today were brutal because of the quads. Repeat this sequence three times: Run around the block (4 blocks) 10 Pushups 10 Explosive Pullups 10 Squats 10 Tuck Jumps The first set was okay, though my quads were really hurting. The second set, running around the block was hard - I ended up sorta hobble jogging instead. The tuck jumps at the end were not cool, but I handled it. Third set was rough - I had to walk about halfway, and hobble jog the rest - my legs just wouldn't hold my weight....

Parkour - Day 1

I've been looking for an alternative way to stay fit and challenge myself - I tend to get quickly bored with "normal" workouts (weights, treadmills, etc.) and my bad knees limit my ability to run. My biggest pleasures are sprints and full body agility/strength feats (flips, spins, jumps, kickboxing, etc.), as well as mountain biking and hiking. Unfortunately all of those things are incredibly hard to do in the city - there's no privacy for the former, and no terrain for the latter. Last week I was googling around for a nearby gym that does MMA, capoeira, kickboxing or gymnastics style training. I stumbled across Primal Fitness, an easy 3/4 mile run from my place and saw they did parkour training. I've been a fan of parkour (google it) for around 7-8 years, ever since I first stumbled across David Belle doing some beautiful looking moves through urban terrain. So, I signed up for a six week "level 1" boot camp - Mon/Wed/Sat (fits perfectly with softba...
This kind of blatantly incorrect hooters wisdom annoys me. Dont they have fact checkers? Averages are really not that complicated a concept. Worse is wondering how many idiots have read this and laughed then repeated it elsewhere because they are ignorant. FEEL MY HATE AS IT SPEWS FORTH UPON THE WORLD! :x
Yum salad :/ getting back into shape sucks tho this is a really good salad!
Ugh complete standstill on 66 ON THE BLOODY ON RAMP!! I can not believe rush hour traffic was normal for me for years, or that people continue to subject themselves to this idiocy. Worst of all I will miss softball. :(
Wtf how did I get down there last time this is a totally different bridge!
Best water fountain ever
Vegetarian indian buffet Yum
Pete is celebrating


Happy birthday to Rick too! Travis and Phil bought us cupcakes, how yummy.
Happy birthday to me
And Brant fixes the broken table at the bar...
Dinner of champions on the roof with 24
softball season again!
I think I need a bigger box
Stupid metro station always causes traffic to back up on 66 ugh. this part of the drive home from chantilly sucks
Car for the day
Almost home! So excited to have only a ten minute metro them two block walk home instead of a long haul plus $25 taxi ride!